Wednesday, August 06, 2008

America in Decline

Have you noticed that America has been in a serious decline over the last eight years? Are you aware that our national defense has been severely weakened? Do you know how vulnerable we really are?
Lost in the din of empty rhetoric and a plethora of flags flapping in the wind, garbed in a papier-mâché cloak of national security, an insidious gang of incompetents has hijacked our nation and put us at irresponsible risk. Militarily, politically, socially and economically – our superpower star is fading fast.
History will report that most of our citizens stood by mute during our slide to decline, indifferent or afraid to protest lest they be accused of lacking patriotism, of not supporting the troops. Indeed, the right-wing has morphed those yellow ribbons into nooses ever-tightening around the necks of our brave men and women in uniform, springing the trap willfully and letting them dangle from the gallows of our ill-considered foreign misadventures. Thousands of lives have been sacrificed for nothing, and no politician on either side of the aisle will even dare to state that aloud. Looming threats from a resurgent Russia and a militarized China are all but ignored.
If you don’t know this, maybe you don’t follow geopolitics closely, or it could be that you listen to Rush Limbaugh and get your news from FOX, so that all of your fiction is self-reinforcing. After all, you’ve been told that all other media, at home and abroad, have been tainted by a liberal bias. Why bother to think for yourself?
You don’t believe in science anymore; such things as global warming and evolution are dismissed as “theories.” You think our real enemies are illegal immigrants and gays, instead of war, poverty and disease. You are more concerned with the casual comments of Obama’s preacher than you are with your bumbling President who talks to the deity and dines with ministers who proclaim that 9-11 was God’s punishment for homosexuality.
Take care, America. We live in dangerous times. Listen up: turn off FOX News and pay attention. There is an election coming up. Don’t reward those who have delivered us into quagmire and malaise. Vote for change – anyone has to do a better job than these guys. And who knows, history could show that your vote saved our country when we were on the very brink.