Defeat Will Translate into Victory for the Republican Party

With the election just around the corner, I am cautiously optimistic that not only will the Obama-Biden team prevail, but that there will be a defining realignment that will transform American politics for decades ahead.
Such an outcome is not only critical for the healthy future of a badly tarnished America, but also an essential catharsis for the Republican Party so it can rebuild itself from the ashes as the moderate party of the center it once represented.
Republicans, who at one time championed smaller government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and a strong national defense, have seen their party hijacked by neoconservative extremists (many on the religious right) who have framed government itself as the enemy, undermining the legitimacy of constitutional law that is the fundamental basis for secular civil authority.
The once respected Republican Party saw itself transformed into an anti-science, anti-intellectual, rigidly dogmatic party guided from its fringes to promote religion in government and to tout some vague notion of “traditional values” that sought to mandate conformity for the rest of us. Common sense and pragmatism were pushed aside in favor of ideology and the very language of Republicans became something akin to the jargon we used to hear from communists, where reality was regularly skewed to accommodate the iron-fisted vision of the politburo.
As Americans who love our country more than those who would subvert it while waving flags and Bibles at us, we can be grateful to the oversize incompetence of the Bush Administration for exposing that dark underbelly by mishandling virtually every significant domestic and foreign policy issue over the last eight years, even while broadcasting their fictional successes (“Mission Accomplished!”) through the prism of media hacks like Sean Hannity.
Thankfully, it is the very consistency of their colossal blundering that has exposed the bankrupt ideology at the root of the Republican Party. And fortunately too, their talent for marketing hate, fear, lies and deception has at last been overcome by the incontestable evidence of disaster that is the legacy of their misrule.
I have rarely pulled the lever on a strictly party basis, but this time around I am urging all voters on the 4th to vote against every Republican on the ballot, even if it is for the office of dog catcher and the candidate is your brother-in-law. Only by a painful resounding defeat will the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt redeem itself from the center in the twenty-first century.
Such an outcome is not only critical for the healthy future of a badly tarnished America, but also an essential catharsis for the Republican Party so it can rebuild itself from the ashes as the moderate party of the center it once represented.
Republicans, who at one time championed smaller government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and a strong national defense, have seen their party hijacked by neoconservative extremists (many on the religious right) who have framed government itself as the enemy, undermining the legitimacy of constitutional law that is the fundamental basis for secular civil authority.
The once respected Republican Party saw itself transformed into an anti-science, anti-intellectual, rigidly dogmatic party guided from its fringes to promote religion in government and to tout some vague notion of “traditional values” that sought to mandate conformity for the rest of us. Common sense and pragmatism were pushed aside in favor of ideology and the very language of Republicans became something akin to the jargon we used to hear from communists, where reality was regularly skewed to accommodate the iron-fisted vision of the politburo.
As Americans who love our country more than those who would subvert it while waving flags and Bibles at us, we can be grateful to the oversize incompetence of the Bush Administration for exposing that dark underbelly by mishandling virtually every significant domestic and foreign policy issue over the last eight years, even while broadcasting their fictional successes (“Mission Accomplished!”) through the prism of media hacks like Sean Hannity.
Thankfully, it is the very consistency of their colossal blundering that has exposed the bankrupt ideology at the root of the Republican Party. And fortunately too, their talent for marketing hate, fear, lies and deception has at last been overcome by the incontestable evidence of disaster that is the legacy of their misrule.
I have rarely pulled the lever on a strictly party basis, but this time around I am urging all voters on the 4th to vote against every Republican on the ballot, even if it is for the office of dog catcher and the candidate is your brother-in-law. Only by a painful resounding defeat will the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt redeem itself from the center in the twenty-first century.
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