Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lipstick On an Ass

I doubt Barack Obama was deliberately alluding to Sarah Palin during the famous “lipstick on a pig” comment, but perhaps it was a Freudian slip. Does McCain’s trophy VP wear a slip? I don’t think so: it would get in the way of her flashing her legs at us, while her outraged handlers scream sexism to a numb audience busy admiring the frames of her glasses.
White women who formerly supported Hilary seem to be the most susceptible, according to preliminary polls, which indicate a double digit switch in allegiance to the “phonier-than-thou” hockey mom, a fierce right-winger who beseeches the lord for pipelines and such. Did somebody slip a pod under these ladies’ beds when they were sleeping? Or were they napping during the primaries? Didn’t they notice that Clinton & Obama were not only on the same page on every critical issue but nearly on the same paragraph? Sarah Palin is diametrically opposed to every position Hilary has championed during her political life. This would be like doddering old white men voting for McCain just because he’s a doddering old white man too!
I know we’ve become a celebrity culture, but falling for the star status of this newly-minted over-the-hill cheerleader is simply ludicrous. Is the impressionable electorate aware that Palin not only discounts global warming, but she is reportedly a creationist who thinks the earth is only 6000 years old? Forget about the “bridge to nowhere,” how about the brain to nowhere? And speaking of that infamous bridge, she would like us to forget about the federal funds for that project that she pocketed for her state. Perhaps if she waves her faith and her kids in our face enough times we’ll get distracted and overlook it: stretch marks beget earmarks, I suppose.
In any event, I wouldn’t liken Sarah Palin to a pig. I think an ass is a more appropriate barnyard metaphor.