Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations to the United States of America

McCain's concession speech was gracious and uplifting as he offered his support to President-elect Obama. He demonstrated with his character that he deserves the respect and honor all of us feel towards him, even those like myself who voted against him. I hope his supporters truly follow his lead.

Obama's speech in Chicago was a stirring tribute to our nation, first and foremost. I thought of Jack Kennedy, FDR, and yes, of Abraham Lincoln. I sat there watching him speak on this historic occasion and thought to myself how very proud I was as an American witnessing the launch of what will truly be a new era for my country. I am certain that there will be many bumps in the road. I only hope that our political opponents really do put aside their bitterness and stand with us as fellow Americans as we try to repair our deeply damaged nation and put us back on the road to greatness that we were born to believe was our destiny.

Congratulations to the United States of America. Now let us go forward and be proud again.